The Circle App streamlines the subscription experience for users, making it effortless to stay connected with their favorite stores and businesses.

Our partnership transcended the boundaries of traditional design, embracing the full breadth of brand essence, user interaction, and structural framework. We diligently sculpted the aesthetic components and instituted a formidable design system, forging a unified fabric that flawlessly interfaced with platforms such as Collective U and the Circle app.

Branding and Identity

We crafted a scalable, memorable logo and selected a color palette and typography to reflect Circle’s core values and ensure brand consistency across mediums.

User Experience (UX) Design

Our responsive design offers a seamless user experience across devices, with intuitive navigation and engaging visual communication to articulate Circle’s brand narrative.

App Development

Drawing from extensive UX research, we have developed an app that boasts logical user flows and an aesthetically functional interface design. Through rigorous usability testing, we’ve refined the app to meet the high standards of user interaction and satisfaction that Circle’s brand represents.

Design System Implementation

We established a design system with a UI component library, pattern guidelines, and scalability protocols to maintain design integrity as the brand grows.

Accessibility and Inclusivity

We believe that technology should empower everyone, and with Circle app, we’ve taken deliberate steps to eliminate barriers that can hinder the user experience.

From contrast-rich color schemes for the visually impaired to screen reader compatibility for the blind, and from simple, intuitive navigation for those with cognitive disabilities to voice commands for users with motor impairments, our app is crafted to be accessible to all, regardless of their abilities.

The Circle App isn’t just lines of code; it’s a digital haven where users simplify their lives and businesses thrive. Our branding, design, and development efforts converge to create an app that’s seen, remembered, and loved.

The Circle App isn’t just lines of code; it’s a digital haven where users simplify their lives and businesses thrive. Our branding, design, and development efforts converge to create an app that’s seen, remembered, and loved.

The Circle App isn’t just lines of code; it’s a digital haven where users simplify their lives and businesses thrive. Our branding, design, and development efforts converge to create an app that’s seen, remembered, and loved.

Join the future with Collective U. Let us help you leverage the power of AI and technology to achieve your business goals. Contact us to learn more about how we can transform your digital presence.

Join the future with Collective U. Let us help you leverage the power of AI and technology to achieve your business goals. Contact us to learn more about how we can transform your digital presence.

Transform Your Business Today

Design Amplified by AI ™

Rhode Island, US


Transform Your Business Today

Design Amplified by AI ™

Rhode Island, US

Transform Your Business Today

Design Amplified by AI ™

Rhode Island, US


The Circle App streamlines the subscription experience for users, making it effortless to stay connected with their favorite stores and businesses.

Our partnership transcended the boundaries of traditional design, embracing the full breadth of brand essence, user interaction, and structural framework. We diligently sculpted the aesthetic components and instituted a formidable design system, forging a unified fabric that flawlessly interfaced with platforms such as Collective U and the Circle app.

Branding and Identity

We crafted a scalable, memorable logo and selected a color palette and typography to reflect Circle’s core values and ensure brand consistency across mediums.

User Experience (UX) Design

Our responsive design offers a seamless user experience across devices, with intuitive navigation and engaging visual communication to articulate Circle’s brand narrative.

App Development

Drawing from extensive UX research, we have developed an app that boasts logical user flows and an aesthetically functional interface design. Through rigorous usability testing, we’ve refined the app to meet the high standards of user interaction and satisfaction that Circle’s brand represents.

Design System Implementation

We established a design system with a UI component library, pattern guidelines, and scalability protocols to maintain design integrity as the brand grows.

Accessibility and Inclusivity

We believe that technology should empower everyone, and with Circle app, we’ve taken deliberate steps to eliminate barriers that can hinder the user experience.

From contrast-rich color schemes for the visually impaired to screen reader compatibility for the blind, and from simple, intuitive navigation for those with cognitive disabilities to voice commands for users with motor impairments, our app is crafted to be accessible to all, regardless of their abilities.

The Circle App streamlines the subscription experience for users, making it effortless to stay connected with their favorite stores and businesses.